Departments - Political Science - Result Analysis
Results Analysis
From the department of political science we encouraged students towards exams for that we prepared special time table .after getting results we analysed them
Results Analysis will help you understand how your students are learning, and how they have performed in each area of the syllabus. You can use the information to identify areas of strength and weakness in order to focus your teaching where it's most needed.
Results Analysis helps to understand how students are learning, and how they have performed in each area of the programme. Result. analysis report can be used to identify areas of strength and weakness of a student. It also reveals the quality of teaching and the areas to be focused.
Analysis of student learning is aligned with learning goals and/or provides a comprehensive profile of student learning relative to the goals for the subgroups, or two individuals.
Based on the Results Analysis we identified advance learners, future learners,we focused on them for better learning experience