Departments - Mathematics - Course Outcomes
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.):
The Bachelor of Science requires the Three Years of Full-time study consisting ofsix semesters. It translates in making a significant investment in one’s professional career. In addition to the enhanced career prospects that can be gained by opting it a student alsodevelop valuable personal skills and fulfil a crucial prerequisite to Master studies. Itconcentrates on providing opportunities for students to show outstanding performance atsubject knowledge and understanding, intellectual skills related to the subject, transferableskills and attitudes through introduction of a wide range of topics, reasoning throughunfamiliar problems, critical and analytical thinking, it provides the tools to investigatetopics in depth, in order to find a systematic approach in analysing and building upknowledge to reach a solution. The developments of teamwork and leadership abilities areimbibed to give importance to Safe Laboratory Practice.
- Students will have a broad foundation in the three major subjects of their choice with scientific reasoning, problem solving and analytical skills.
- The students are trained in a breadth and depth of experimental techniques usingmodern instrumentation which help them to take up higher education or jobs after thecourse.
- They develop the ability to effectively communicate scientific information in written andoral formats.
- They acquire the ability to work in teams and apply basic ethical principles.
- To enable the students to solve mathematical problems of daily life. We have to select thecontent and methods of teaching so that the students are able to make use of their learning ofmathematics in daily life.
- To enable the students to understand the contribution of mathematics to the development ofculture and civilization.
- To develop thinking and reasoning power of the students.
- To prepare a sound foundation needed for various vocations. Mathematics is needed invarious professions such as those of engineers, bankers, scientists, accountants, statisticians etc.
- To prepare the child for further learning in mathematics and the related fields. School mathematics should also aim at preparing him for higher learning in mathematics.
- To give the child an insight into the relationship of different topics and branches of the subject.
- To enable the child to understand popular literature. He should be so prepared that he
finds no handicap in understanding mathematical terms and concepts used in various
journals, magazines, newspapers etc.
- To teach the child the art of economic and creative living.
- To develop in the child rational and scientific attitude towards life.
- Aims of teaching mathematics are genially scope whereas objectives of the subject are specific goals leading ultimately to the general aims of the subject.
- Through mathematics, a pupil acquires the knowledge of the following:
- He learns mathematical language, for example, mathematical symbols, formulae figures, diagrams, definitions etc.
- He understands and uses mathematical concepts like concept o area, volume, number, direction etc.
- He learns the fundamental mathematical ideas, processes, rules and relationships.
- He understands the historical background of various topics and contribution of mathematicians.