The RTI  Act:

The Right to Information Act 2005(RTI) is an act of the Parliament of India “to provide for setting out a practical regime of right to information for citizens.” Right to information enables citizens to see how governments and those in public offices are working. The public should openly come to know what is to be happened and what has happened. Transparency is the cornerstone  of any good governance. The public has the right, to know about the policies and programs of the government. All communication of the government must be open to the public.

The following persons shall act as public information officers in the college in terms of the RTI act,2005.

S.NO Name  Position Contact No
1 N. SWETHA (PRINCIPAL)  Information officer 9398017030
2 D. SWATHI (VICE PRINCIPAL) Assistant public officer 9346628733
3 E. BALARAM(RCO, NALGONDA) Appellate authority 8333925379