
Departments - CHEMISTRY - Activities

                            TTWRDC W KHAMMAM


                                      ACADEMIC YEAR:2022-23

                                   FIELD TRIP REPORT ON CHEMISTRY


                                        Date: 26.09.2023


TOPIC: PH range in river water, lake water and agriculture land.


The optimum PH for river water and lake water is around 7.4 water acidity can be increased by acid rain but is kept in check by the ll BZC , MBZC students with buffer limestone .Extremes in PH can make a river inhospitable to life.


 The normal PH range for irrigation water is from 6.5to8.4 .an abnormal value is a warning that the water needs further evaluation .

 irrigation  water with a PH out side the normal range may cause a nutritional imbalance or may contain a toxic ion.