
Departments - Computer Science - Activities


    Student Seminar is an interactive peer-led teaching learning method which offer several advantages for both the student learners and the student tutors including helping the learners to develop self-directed learning skills. Students become more confident and independent by delivering lectures. Attending a seminar has numerous benefits, including improving communication skills, gaining expert knowledge, networking with others and renewing motivation. Additionally, attending seminars can also help students to network with their peers and instructors, and to learn about current research and developments in their field of study.


Group Discussion plays a vital role in the corporate offices. The main objective of Group discussions is to share and exchange knowledge and ideas, clarify doubts, and arrive at a collective decision or understanding. It is also promote a deeper understanding of a topic and increase long-term retention. They may also provide feedback to instructors on participant comprehension.


A Quiz is a quick and informal assessment of Student knowledge.The Department of Computer Science has taken up this activity to develop technical skills among the students. The Quiz Competition is conducted among the student’s groups.
