IQAC - Minutes of Meeting

The IQAC cell was established on 08.08.2022 as per circular guidelines. It comprises seven criteria incharges and members, ensuring comprehensive oversight. Each member contributes expertise in areas such as teaching-learning, research, and governance, fostering continuous improvement in academic quality and institutional effectiveness.

Date: 22.08.2022

First IQAC meeting conducted on 22.08.2022 with all the faculty and principal at library 3.30PM. discussed about the following points.

  • All the Criteria incharges are instructed to go through the offical websites of any five colleges of the grade A+ of A . Refer th informtion and collect the data accordingly.
  • Departmental profiles must be updated and created.
  • Instition plan of Action. 

Date: 25.08.2022:

IQAC meeting conducted on 25.08.2022 with all the faculty and principal at library  from today onwards Mrs. D.Praharsha DL in Political Sciene is tking charge as IQAC Co-ordinator.  As Dr.M.srijana DL in Microbiology has been appointed as NCC-CTO.

handed over the responsibility and related documents of IQAC and registers to D.Praharsha.

Date: 12.09.2022:

IQAC Meeting conducted all the departments prepare lesson plan, micro plan, all the faculty individual profiles and mke soft copy, departmental ation plan to be prepared for the cademic year 2022-2023. all criteria sholud do you work and complete by 01.09.2023. 

Date: 28.10.2022:

IQAC meeting conducted on 28.10.2022  and discussed the  following points.

  • To start add-on couses by identifying studnets who are interested to apply for SOOCs & Swayam courses. 
  • keep depeacmental registers active by also conduct or practice innovative teaching practices, collect their data appropriately.
  • All the departmental mail id's must properly, take GPS photos and arrange the pdfs.
  • All the club activities register must be maintained properly & record the data. 
  • All the criterias do the assigned work.

Date: 28.11.2022: 

IQAC meeting conducted on 28.10.2022  and discussed the following points.

  • All the faculty ensure to do one online course in Swayam or MOOCS course.
  • Select a student from each department make them attend online certificate courses.
  • Collect feed back from the students after the end of the each semester.
  • Maintain minuets of the meeting registers for the departmental meetings. 
  • Update departmental registers regularly.
  • Departmental profiles to be submitted 
  • Conduct Alumni Meetings



Date: 05.01.2023:

IQAC meeting conducted on 05.01.2023  and discussed the  following points.

  • Conduct deprtmental meeting at least one for each semester.
  • Conduct sunday test and maintain records 
  • Formation of Alumni association and select active students for alumni association from all the batches from 2017. 
  • File the question papers of each semester.
  • As the semester exms are completed, plan for feedback forms from the students.
  • If any department or faculty is willing to take MoUs from orgnizations, colleges, companies are welcome. 

Date: 09.01.2023:

IQAC meeting conducted on 09.01.2023  and discussed the  following points.

  • On 09.01.2023 the IQAC coordinator D.Praharsha and D.Vijaya has visited IQAC cell of  NIZAM college hyderabad for awarenss of NAAC activities.
  • We had interaction with Dr.Ch.Kishaore Kumar sir had enlightened US on few NAAC activities, Record and few procedures.

The following are the few things lerant from the interaction.

  • Submitting anual particulars in AISHE portal 
  • For preparation of SSR we need 5 years of AQAR 
  • Download SOPS and formats of AQAR 
  • MoUs should be maintained with NGOs, CSIR or any college internships.
  • No morphing of photographs
  • Value added courses or certificate courses to be started at college level.

Date: 11.04.2023

IQAC meeting conducted on 11.04.2023  and discussed the  following points.

  • Try to make MoUs with NGOs, colleges or any internship 
  • All the phographs must GPS photos 
  • Conduct academic competitions and also nonacademic competitions.
  • All the start doing courses and encourgae students take up add on courses
  • Preparation for Alumni

Date: 05.05.2023

IQAC meeting conducted on 05.05.2023  and discussed the  following points.

  •  All the faculty sholud submit faculty profiles 
  • Update the departmental profiles 
  • Register and collect the data of the departmental activities conducted.
  • Coduct seminars workshops from each department.
  • Observtion of all important days regularly
  • Update the students profile.
  • Submit Result analysis of individual and depatmental wise
  • Each faculty must be pepare micro plan before semester start.

Date: 15.05.2023

IQAC meeting conducted on 15.05.2023  and discussed the  following points.

  • Updation of all attendance register.
  • Updationof all teaching diaries
  • Update departmental profiles 
  • Maintain and update all the registers of each departmet and faulty properly and regularly 
  • Submit result analysis and micro plan 
  • Update all departmental activitis in the departmental list.
  • All the above data sholud be submitted by 30.05.2023.

Date: 08.08.2023

IQAC meeting conducted on 08.08.2023  and discussed the  following points.

Due to college shifting maintain all the reords properly take care of all the record whcih you are maintaining 

  • Departmental Registers
  • Teaching Daires
  • House Registers
  • Club Registers
  • Lab Registers
  • Microplans
  • all other records
  • Update all your records
  • Maintain feedback 
  • attend ourses, Swayam portal registration.
  • Faculty can rester to pursue P.hD.


Date: 28.08.2023

IQAC meeting conducted on 08.08.2023  and discussed the  following points.

Today we conducted IQAC meeting with all the faculty. We discussed about list of the documents(37). required for NAAC. I instructed that what are the documents files sholud submit by sptember on before 8th.

  • Regarding faulty profile/faculty appaisals
  • Regarding submission  of feedback form by students.
  • Regarding Feedback forms of Infrasture and facilities 
  • Regarding faculty activities and seminars upload and update in mail on are before sept.8, 2023
  • Regarding criteria incharges sholud be altert and submit in time whatever documents required.
  • Departmental profile and proformas sholud cross check and those who are not create profiles they sholud create as soon as possible.

Date: 22.09.2023

IQAC meeting conducted on 22.09.2023  and discussed the  following points.

  • To maintain the documents of all criterias in soft copy and hard copy.
  • To submit academic audit of faculty proforma 
  • To fill the academic audit of department of proforma
  • Submit performance appraisal report 
  • To fill formate-II of academic audit and filled by faculty.
  • Maintain all proofs and hard copies of all activities 
  • It is instructed to all faculty to fill the academic audit proforma duly signed by faulty and principal and submit the details with proofs by 23.09.2023.

Date: 28.09.2023

IQAC meeting conducted on 28.09.2023  and discussed the  following points.

Coolecting the given academic audit forms individually after completing its filling 

Examining the check list of NAAC department registers club registers marks registers attendance registers teaching dairies.

Checking of all criteria work and update the status of NAAC documentation. 

Examinder and maintianed studnets feedback forms of all departments of all years 

Date: 07.10.2023

In view of Academic Audit by Indira priyadhrshini f college or women, Nampally.

IQAC meeting was conducted with staff members and discussed the following

  • Examined the individual registers and departmental registers.
  • Given instructions to the faculty those who did not maintain properly according the norms.
  • Supervised all administrative  files related to attendance, admissions & expenditure bills.
  • Examined library books, registers & bills 
  • Checked the lab registers, infrastruture registers and mess related registers.
  • Enquired sports equipment registers and bills 
  • Examined helath and hygine registers 
  • Discussed about cleanlyness classrooms washrooms dormetries and college campus.

Date: 01.11.2023

IQAC meeting was conducted with staff members and discussed the following

  • As Audit is likely to be visit on saturday so that faulty to update all the records including registers and teaching diaries.
  • Given instrcutions to register in SWAYAM portal which was given by UGC.
  • Given instructions to faculty those who did not completed and not update registers. those faculty must update as soon as possible.
  • Instructed to hospitality committee should be be alert as Auditing team will arrive.
  • Update all the departmental works and conduct departmental meetings regularly.
  • Update all the activities in respective registers without fail.
  • Complete and update all the academic activities as per the schedule given by HO.


Date: 08.11.2023

IQAC meeting was conducted with staff members and discussed the following

  • Instructed to all faculty to do NAAC work properly and all the works sholud be done in softcopy.
  • Instructed to all faculty that conduct seminars PPT presentation departmental activities and write report in the registers.
  • Maintain all registers by those who dealing lab work they sholud take the sign of all the aprticipated students and maintain practical time table.
  • All the faculty sholud submit all the paper valuation letters or print of messages to th IQAC coordinator. 
  • All the faculty members sholud maintain students progression report.
  • All the actvities which ae done by students like seminars, debate. assignment, essay writings those report must be enter in separate register.
  • All the faculty sholud submit all the feedabck forms of faculty to IQAC coordinator.  

Date: 28.11.2023

IQAC meeting is held at library in the presence of IQAC coordinator and Vice principal with all the staff.

  • IQAC coodinator said that we got SSR of JVR Govt. College 
  • Each Criteria members check thier criteria, create related links.
  • Keep all the teaching diaries from 2017 and also attendace registers.
  • The deadline for SSR is first week of january 2024 and full upload must be done 28th feb 2024.
  • Take the help of local DTPs if needed.
  • College magazine sholud be ready
  • Value added courses, Cetificate courses must be done.
  • Instruct to all faculty write Research articles, Papers and journals.
  • No one is exception NAAC work .

Date: 04.12.2023

IQAC meeting is held at library in the presence of IQAC coordinator and Vice principal with all the staff.

  • Coordinators should the SSR repot to be completed based on the criteria.
  • Excel sheet was provided by IQAC sholud be verified and fullfilled in the given print outs.
  • Department actin plan in the form soft copy.
  • Every faculty sholud write and submit a paper and a jounernal for each academic year.

Date: 14.12.2023

IQAC meeting is held at library in the presence of IQAC coordinator and Vice principal with all the staff, regarding visit to Indira Priyandhrshini Govt. Degree College(W) Nampally.

  • Each department need 44 records or files and maintain all the records accordingly.
  • Prepare PPTs for each department and include the importance of the subject vision,mission and objective faculty etails yearwise student particular, yearwise result analysis, faculty profiles and departmental activities etc,.
  • Each department sholud have vision, mission and objectives, program outcome, course out comes, program specific out comes.
  • Teaching diaries should be update properly.
  • Remidial register, bridge course register extension lecturer register MoU files Microplan, attendance registershould be maintain by each department.
  • Conduct students seminars and collect the feedback.

Date: 08.01.2024

IQAC meeting conducted at staff room with ice principal and all criteria members.

  • Regarding all criteria documentation work.
  • Given instruction to some criterias regarding creating the link. 
  • Status of completion of each criteria documentation.
  • All criteria  documentation should be make a softcopy. 

Date: 20.01.2024

IQAC meeting conducted at staff room with  vice principal and all criteria members.

Checking the departmental registers and individual registers 

Checked the house master register, teaching dairy, previous question file, mico plan, club activity register, extension lecturer register if any department library, filed trip register, department meeting register, assignment file, PG coaching register, employability register, remidial register, action plan file, syllabus file, result analysis,celebration register, project register etc,.

Those who did not update the baove registers they can update with in one week. 

Date: 07.02.2024

IQAC meeting conducted at library with vice principal and all criteria members.

Discussed status of each criteria work.

Most of the criterias completed 80% of criteria documentation.

All registers should be kept ready by tommarrow as NAAC peer team visit on 09 Feb,2024.

Date: 22.02.2024

As a part of the NAAC peer team visit they suggested some of the following points.

  • They asked us to ask if there are any questions and suggested to visit portl once.
  • They asked us to maintain each and every record proof. The departmental PPTs mus be in signature with the principal.
  • Science labs sholud be compulsorily show case some charts like Do's and Dont's list of faculty vission and mission.
  • Genuines photos sholud be uploaded. Activities names sholud be reflected in the photo.
  • They said we did a good job in SSR but some information is in line with the portal.
  • THey also suggested, while preparing for SSR simultaneously update records.
  • Interdepartmetal exchange of suggestions must be done.
  • Team work is very important.
  • They will even ask other department details they will definetely see PPT's of their choice.
  • Slides sholud contain only highlights.

Date: 23.02.2024

IQAC meeting conducted at office room with  principal and all criteria members.

  • NAAC team suggested to all criteria incharges to regrding.
  • Certificate courses sholud be maintain some each department
  • Attedance sheets,feedback forms sholud be maintain for each activity.
  • Modifications of each criteria sholud be complete on are before 26th feb, 2024.
  • Each department must conduct workshps, conferences, research programs.
  • All criteria data keep in the website.
  •  Department PPT should be complete on are before 28th Feb, 2024.

Date: 29.02.2024

As a part of the NAAC peer team visit they suggested some of the following points.

IQAC meeting is conducted with staff members (Criteria incharges and members)

Agenda points.

  • Criteria wise changes as per june 2022 manual of NAAC
  • Status of criteria work
  • Work shop related doubts clarifications
  • Add on courses.
  • Discuss about changes in each criteria as per revised manual june 2022 & make changes in previously prepared criteria documents.
  • Photos sholud be in GPS with clarity
  • Add on courses and topics in each department and syllabus with studnets list by tommarrow morning.
  • Department wise PPT's sholud be submit on next monday.
  • Criteria wise errors if any correct it and shatever information given in criteria data it sholud be reliable.
  • Add on courses take the forms of notice students list objectives, outcomes, report, feedback, students list,  objectives, outcomes report feedback forms & tke the minimum 30 hours for each topics.
  • Whatever activities conducted in college or at side of the college the photos of those activities sholud be upload in the college website immediately with the help of computer Programmer.
  • Department wise PPT must have 25 to 30 slides.

Date: 09.03.2024

IQAC meeting conducted at office room with principal and all criteria members.

All the criteria incharges & members must complete the criteria documentation and submit soft copy as per manual 2022 by 20th Feb,2024.