IQAC - SSR - Criterion 1


Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)

Criterion 1: Curricular Aspects

1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process, including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment


TTWRDC (M), Boath, at Adilabad, is affiliated with Kakatiya University, Warangal, adopting the curriculum designed and prescribed by the university. According to the suggestions and guidelines of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), the University revises the curriculum from time to time to suit the desired requirements. At the very beginning of the academic year, the academic coordinator convenes a meeting with all department heads under the chairmanship of the principal and prepares an annual action plan as per the university almanac for odd and even semesters in a year, strictly adhering to the implementation of the institutional action plan. The CBCS (Choice-Based Credit System) curriculum is designed by TSCHE, and the same is implemented by all universities. The CBCS system was introduced in the academic year 2017–2018. The college academic plan includes curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities for the effective implementation of the curriculum.


The institute publishes a prospectus annually to inform students about the programs and courses offered for UG. The syllabus for all the courses can be found on the university's website.


The institute prepares an academic calendar each year in collaboration with IQAC to ensure the efficient implementation of the curriculum set by the university. All the members of the faculty prepared curricular plans as per the University Almanac, Synopsis, and Teaching Diaries for successful delivery of curriculum.


At the beginning of each academic year, all faculty members hold meetings under the guidance of the Principal. The faculty members prepare and submit their teaching plans, departmental plans, and committee plans based on the instructions given by the principal.


The institute has established a time table committee, which is responsible for creating a schedule for the academic year. The committee collects workload information from all department heads and uses that information to create the time table.


The faculty members prepare the teaching plans by considering the academic calendar and the examination schedule to ensure that the syllabus is completed within the allotted time.


To ensure that students receive the updated syllabus, the institute conducts workshops on revised syllabus and encourages faculty members to participate in it to implement the curriculum effectively.


The institute encourages the use of teaching aids and technology-based methods for more effective teaching and learning. It provides necessary infrastructure, including computer lab, Wi-Fi, internet, language lab, classrooms, and LCD projectors, to support technology-enabled teaching and learning.CGC (Career Guidelines Cell) is a program for encouraging students towards to pursue higher education and the academic perspective of gurukulam is to create centers for learning which provide congenial atmosphere for students to excel academically and develop in to ethically strong and morally elevated individual.


The institute's library features an extensive collection of resources that are easily accessible to all. It provides a wide range of journals, e-journals, book banks, and other services 

to faculty, students, and research scholars. The library plays an important role in promoting the curriculum and fostering self-learning.


The continuous internal evaluation of students done effectively and cautiously through home assignments, test tutorials projects Viva, group discussion, field visits, industrial visits, oral tests, mock interviews, etc.


The faculty members complete their syllabus as per the guidelines of the university and the teaching plan. Submission of term-wise syllabus completion reports is mandatory and a regular practice in the college.


The role of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the institute is vital in overseeing and ensuring the smooth planning and execution of curriculum development and implementation. The IQAC monitors the overall curriculum delivery and documentation, conducts reviews regularly and integrates additional inputs for betterment. Feedback forms are collected on the curriculum from students, Teachers and alumni, paper-wise and semester-wise, with analysis and the outcome is integrated from time to time to strengthen ongoing curricular activities. External & internal academic audits are conducted to assess the curriculum delivery mechanism.

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1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1 Number of add-on, certificate, or value-added programs offered during the last five years Number of Certificate/value-added courses offered and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL, etc. that the students of the institution have enrolled in and successfully completed during the last five years Number of Certificate/value-added courses offered and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL, etc. that the students of the institution have enrolled in and successfully completed during the last five years


Being affiliated college, institution strictly adheres to the Almanac designed by the affiliating university for the conduct of curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities and conduct of internal assessments. At the start of every Academic year, the Action plan of the institution is prepared, which clearly delineates schedule for commencement of classes, Semester break, short-term holidays, Internal assessments, last instruction date, and the commencement of practical examinations. academic schedule is adopted at the staff council convened by Principal and implemented by all departments, duly integrating changes as and when required.

The institution adopted CBCS in the academic year 2017–18 to 1st year students, while second and final years were under Annual mode and by 2018–19, all courses adopted CBCS semester system. In CBCS Internal assessment-I and Internal assessment-II are conducted as per Almanac and academic calendar prepared by institution. The academic calendar is placed in the college website and displayed on the notice board.

As a part of CGC, in-charges of all departments prepare and inform students well in advance about last dates of Assignments submissions and internal assessments, apart from executing all curricular activities without any deviation as per academic calendar.In every semester, the average of two internal assessments subject-wise is taken and posted in the college login of University examinations site In the true sense, a continuous Evaluation system is ensured at the institution by conducting slip tests, Home assignments, Student seminars, quizzes, study projects add-on certificate courses as per the schedule.

As per Academic calendar, in addition to these activities, the institution also organizes field trips and study tours so that students can be exposed to practical and cognitive learning. Students’ projects are assigned to students on individual basis and also to group of students; generally, a group consists 5–10 students, including slow, medium and advanced learners, so that maximum output is expected.

Registers regarding implementation of academic calendar are maintained at individual Faculty, Department, and Institutional level.

The following are the important aspects of academic calendar:

  • Academic calendar of departmental activity.
  • Includes action plans of all academic and administrative committees.
  • Schedule of extra-circular activities: NSS, NCC, clubs, Cultural, Games & sports.
  • Tentative schedule of internals and University semester-end examinations.
  • University schedule of holidays, vacation, term end and term start dates.
  • Semester-wise two internal assessments and evaluation
  • Observation of important days and conduct of related activities
  • External Academic Audit Intensive Examination preparation
  • CIE helps in the identification of slow, medium and advanced learners; accordingly, activities are planned and implemented.
  • During COVID-19's imposed lockdown, several curricular and co-curricular activities were carried out online.
  • Internal assessments were completed using online resources like Google Classroom and forms principal and IQAC regularly review the progress of implementation of academic calendar at regular staff council and at departmental reviews.


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list of students and the attendance sheet for the above-mentioned programs

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Institutional programme brochure/notice for certificate-added programs with course modules and outcomes

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Evidence of course completion, like course completion certificate, etc. Apart from the above:

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1.2.2 Percentage of students enrolled in certificate or value-added courses and also completed online courses such as MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL, etc. as against the total number of students during the last five years Number of students enrolled in certificate or value-added courses and also completed online courses such as MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL, etc. as against the total number of students during the last five years











1.3 Curriculum Enrichment 

1.3.1 Institution integrate cross-cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability in transacting the Curriculum


To integrate cross-cutting issues on Professional ethics, gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the curriculum the college has adopted different types of courses framed by the University authorities. To develop student’s attitudes towards positivity, the institution takes up the challenges of protecting environment sustainability and ethical values.

Environment studies

To sensitize students about the environment and sustainability issues, in the curriculum of semester I and II, students have Environmental Studies as a SEC paper. In addition to that, the Semester IV students have Water Resource management Studies to enhance their sensibility about the conservation of natural sources like water and Soil.


The recent incessant rains and inclement weather have probability of causing various viral fevers such as dengue, typhoid, malaria, diarrhea, cases of food poisoning, etc.. Hence, it became inevitable for everyone to keep their campuses clean and neat. There is a misconception that it is the duty of only the sweepers to remove and clean the premises. In order to make every one realize that it is their moral responsibility to clean their surroundings,. In view of corona outbreak, it is decided to take up a Swachh Gurukul drive in all the institutions for one week, involving all the stakeholders (principals, teachers, students, parents, local and public representatives, district officials, and head office officials) .


The Swachh Gurukul Drive is to be organized from September 5th to 10th, 2022.


List of Activities under Swachh Gurukul drive :

  • Cleaning of the class rooms and dormitories
  • Removal of cobwebs
  • Cleaning the benches
  • Wet mopping the floor
  • Disposal of old furniture
  • Cleaning and repair of windows, fans, tube lights, CCTVs, TVs, computers, and laptops.
  • Cleaning of porticos (sajjalu)
  • Clearing the bushes around trees and elsewhere
  • Removal of weeds and unwanted plants.
  • Cleaning washrooms, toilets , water tanks, drain outlets, blockages etc
  • Repairing taps
  • Cleaning store room of kitchen, cooking area, dining area etc
  • Clearing water logging areas
  • Cleaning playground
  • Painting the trees with lime
  • Making bed (padhulu ) for the plants and trees to retain water
  • Painting the compound wall
  • Coloring the kitchen and cooking area


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1.3.2 Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year.

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1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website

Response: Yes

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